Thursday, March 26, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009

I'm stuck!!!!!!!!
I hate plateaus! With. A. Passion.
I've been about the same weight for about a week and a half. Well, not the same. I'm teetering between the 14 pound loss (woo hoo) and gaining 2 pounds back. I have cheated some. I know I could do better.
But wwwwaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, February 14, 2009

I cannot express how much this stuff has helped my poor 'ol knees! I have taken it faithfully, 3 times a day, for almost a month. But I've noticed the difference for a while now. They feel mucho better. And I can't hear so much snap, crackle and pop! I am SOLD, SOLD, SOLD on this stuff and can't recommend it enough!
Anyone else taken this?
(This isn't my brand. It's just the graphic I found.)
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Boiled Eggs "WALAHHHH"
Someone sent this to me in an email and instead of forwarding it in email and you all having to download it yourself, I thought I'd just add it here. I LOVE IT! I love boiled egg whites in my tuna but HATE, HATE, HATE peeling them. I can't wait to try this. Think it'll work?
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
This is the loose jeans part between the outside side leg seam
and the pocket seam.
I love, love, love this step in weight loss. Where my jeans start to get all baggy in the rear and thighs. I mean so baggy that people start telling me my jeans are baggy. =))) I just love the way they feel on my body when there's all that room and I have tangible proof other than the scale that I'm making progress. I'm afraid to try on a size smaller. Don't want to be dissapointed. But I think I'll have to this week. =))) again!!
My belt is the kind that just has a pattern of holes in it and not designated belt holes. But I am comfortably belting it about an inch and a half tighter!! WOO HOO!!! That feels good, too.
I am officially down 8 pounds. (And I even had a hamburger yesterday) ;)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Chew Extra = Meet Bob? LOL
Worth a shot:

One pack could change it all. Enter the code from inside any specially marked Extra® Slim Pack™ and you could instantly win a V.I.P getaway to Los Angeles. Trip includes airfare and hotel accommodations to train with Bob Harper, trainer to the hottest celebs and star of NBC’s The Biggest Loser.
(I know it's a gimmick to sell gum....but if you're buying it
And here's a fun little 3pm snack craving Calorie Counter on their site. Informative. ;)
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