No. I'm not grabbing my butt. Close. LOL
This is the loose jeans part between the outside side leg seam
and the pocket seam.
I love, love, love this step in weight loss. Where my jeans start to get all baggy in the rear and thighs. I mean so baggy that people start telling me my jeans are baggy. =))) I just love the way they feel on my body when there's all that room and I have tangible proof other than the scale that I'm making progress. I'm afraid to try on a size smaller. Don't want to be dissapointed. But I think I'll have to this week. =))) again!!
My belt is the kind that just has a pattern of holes in it and not designated belt holes. But I am comfortably belting it about an inch and a half tighter!! WOO HOO!!! That feels good, too.
I am officially down 8 pounds. (And I even had a hamburger yesterday) ;)