Monday, February 2, 2009


No. I'm not grabbing my butt. Close. LOL
This is the loose jeans part between the outside side leg seam
and the pocket seam.


I love, love, love this step in weight loss. Where my jeans start to get all baggy in the rear and thighs. I mean so baggy that people start telling me my jeans are baggy. =))) I just love the way they feel on my body when there's all that room and I have tangible proof other than the scale that I'm making progress. I'm afraid to try on a size smaller. Don't want to be dissapointed. But I think I'll have to this week. =))) again!!

My belt is the kind that just has a pattern of holes in it and not designated belt holes. But I am comfortably belting it about an inch and a half tighter!! WOO HOO!!! That feels good, too.

I am officially down 8 pounds. (And I even had a hamburger yesterday) ;)


Anonymous said...

Trying again... WTG Shannon! I'm so jealous. It's a good thing I made my goal about exercise because though I've walked more than what I thought at 11.25 miles tonight, and done wii fit for about an hour 2 or 3 times a week since I got it, And eaten better. I'm still at the same weight it actually said I'd gained a pound the end of last week and I almost threw in the towel until I reminded myself that it was about moving for me not losing weight...

But I'm so proud of you!! and jealous ;)


Shannon said...

Hey, your comment worked! ;)

You're really kickin' it with your walking! I'm proud of YOU! You are reaching your goal and you are getting healthier because of it.


KRKTS said...

I still had to leave it as anonymous for some reason it wasn't coming through with my ID...

I'm going to try sending this one with my ID

KRKTS said...

that worked.. :)

iParentShannon said...


It's going to put me as iParent because I'm signed in on that gmail right now and too lazy to log out and back on. lol