Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kelly & Peggy - WTG!!!

Ya'll are "steppin' it up" with your walking! Ohhh, bad pun. So sorry. LOL

But just wanted to cyber-high-five ya'll! Keep it up!

You guys both feeling alright with these walks? Is it making you feel better? Ya'll are both way on track for your goals!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm doing so so.. My heart started acting up the end of last week and this weekend.. and I don't know if it's exercise related or not.. But I still walked 2 miles with Roy and the kids Sunday.. and another 2 miles tonight. I'm not going to let my heart thing get me down. :)


Shannon said...

Are you supposed to talk to your doctor when you decide to really up your activity level? Just to make sure it's alright and safe? I'm sure you know your body. I would think walking is the perfect thing.

KRKTS said...

yes I'm supposed to talk to him.. I haven't though, he tends to turn anything I suggest trying down because of the fainting and injury factor. Since activity can cause my blood pressure to drop suddenly with no warning. Over the years he's tended to give me hell over the injuries instead of encouraging me to keep active. His theory is since all my blood work comes back as healthy that the risk to benefits don't weigh out in favor of being active... and that my wieght isn't a factor. I on the other hand HATE it. I hate the inactivity and I hate how much harder it is to get active once I've been inactive for a while. I used to be such an active person, riding bikes, playing sports, skating. There were some things I couldn't do like build stamina, and I've never met and exercise endorphin. But I liked getting out and doing stuff. Which also makes me tend to push hard to feel better which leads to me pushing too hard and getting hurt. This time I'm trying to find a balance and curb my tendancy to burn myself out..This week I feel somewhat crappy so I cut out the wii fit on top of walking, where normally I'd push through and wind up getting hurt. When I feel better I'll gradually add it back in.
I probably should tell him but I don't want to. I'll just wait and see what effect it has, if I get hurt I'll take the browbeating.. If I succeed for a time, I'll tell him I found a balance that works for me and see what he says. (which will probably mean a barage of tests to make sure it's not causing damage.) either way there isn't a big up side to including him, to me. LOL

KRKTS said...

That was a book.. Sorry I was trying to work it all out in my head too. I know it all sounds ominous but I promise I'm being careful. And I know it sounds like I'm not listening to my doctor, but to be honest my heart condition is rare, and I know as much about it as he does because not only is it so rare that most doctors haven't ever seen someone with it and there are only a handful of doctors who specialize in it and they are nowhere near here so he's flying blind most of the time, but also my symptoms and the way my body is handling it is not typical for even this rare condition. So he's guessing as to what the outcome of his advice will be just as much as I'm guessing as to what ignoring his advice will do. At least I'm guaging things by how it feels.